Welcome to Subscribr!

To create high quality, accurate, and engaging scripts using Subscribr, there are a few key things that will make all the difference:

Focus On Your Inputs

The topic, unique angle, and audience goals of your scripts can have a MASSIVE impact on the end result. Spend some time carefully thinking how you want your script to be structured, and make sure to let Subscribr know. You can input as much instruction as you need into these fields.

For example, here is a detailed input about the business of McDonald's:

Provide Research 

The most reliable way to create an accurate, up-to-date scripts is to provide plenty of research. Subscribr makes this easy using the Research tool in the Script Builder.

But know that you can also specifically mention your provided research into the Instructions for each of your draft sections.

For example, you can say things like "Make sure to give plenty of examples" or "Make sure to include statistics". As long as those things are in your research, Subscribr will know to focus on using them.

Here is an example of using research to add details about stock performance to a script:

Tweak Your Channel Voice

If Subscribr's writing is too complex, too excitable, or just not exactly what you want it to be, don't worry. Because Subscribr offers a Channel Voice feature enabling you to tweak your channel voice by adding Custom Instructions.

To access your channel voice, click on "Voice" next to your channel name in the top navigation menu. By default you'll get one channel voice, but you can create multiple voices based on:

  • Your channel
  • Another channel (owned by anyone)
  • Your own writing samples

Subscribr gives you the ability to preview what your voice sounds like. You can change the text prompt to try it out with different topics.

To fine tune your voice, click Edit Voice. In the Custom Instructions, you can add things like "Use a conversational but informative tone." Be careful because a little instruction goes a long way.

Help Is Just A Click Away

If you need help at any point, just click the Help bubble at the bottom left of any page. I'm super responsive and will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Take a few moments to focus on these 3 things, and you're bound to create high quality scripts using Subscribr.


Gil Hildebrand


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